Saturday, October 30, 2010

Endorsement of Harley Breite, Esq.

 Dear Passaic County Resident:
I am writing to set the record straight with respect to all the outrageous and misleading information circulated by the Democrats in an attempt to smear an honest, and highly-principled candidate for Sheriff, Felix Garcia.  On this issue, I am in a very unique position to set this record straight.

I was the attorney for former Sheriff Jerry Speziale who actually drafted the termination letter to Felix Garcia.  Thus, I can tell you that the truth about this matter is very different from what is now being disseminated by the Democrat smear machine in their desperate attempt to win an election at any cost.

It is important for the voters to know that Felix Garcia was terminated and investigated over allegations that were proven to be absolutely false.  In fact, after writing the letter, I continued to monitor the process of the investigation and the case was dismissed because there was no credible evidence whatsoever.  In the end, the investigation amounted to nothing more than a massive waste of taxpayer dollars.

The Democrats know this!  Yet they continue to present these scandalous ads without making reference to the proven innocence of Felix Garcia, a man who has served the people of Passaic County with great distinction for many years.  Further, they never explain the deeply political context in which these events took place.  They also never mention that after leaving the Sheriff’s Department, Felix Garcia sued the County for wrongful termination and the case was settled favorably.

Why are the Democrats hiding the truth?  In the heat of a political campaign we understand that the very worst candidates will ignore the issues and resort to smears.  Even so, we do not expect them to lie!  Yet that is exactly what the Democrats are doing in this most deceitful manner with an avalanche of grossly false and shameful attack ads.

Over the years, I have come to know Felix Garcia.  He is a good and honorable man, whose personal integrity is beyond question.  I believe he will bring honesty, openness, extensive experience and great law enforcement skill, as well as much-needed fiscal responsibility, to the Sheriff’s Department.  For these reasons, I am proud to fully support his candidacy.  I hope you join me on November 2 in voting for Felix Garcia to be our next Passaic County Sheriff.

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